Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So, What's the Issue Here?

     While browsing various blogs I was looking for an article to talk about that did not involve Perry’s Medicaid decision as I feel I’ve been focused primarily on this topic. When I saw a post on the Burnt Orange Report page about racial tension, my interest was piqued as I consider racism to be one of several ongoing issues which must be handled with care.

     I had to read this post about three times and read the linked pages before I understood the basic statement for the post. I’m not sure if the author intends the audience of this post to be up to date on the proposed “poll tax” or ID requirement from May but personally I was clueless as to what the situation and subsequent issue was. The article calls to attention Perry’s accusation of Eric Holder as having “purposefully used language designed to inflame passions and incite racial tension.” Upon briefly looking into Eric Holder’s office and standings, this statement seemed off base and without proper introduction. Holder is the first African-American Attorney General of the United States and has spoken on race relations; at the time in 2009 however, the president admitted his language may have been controversial. This piece of information from a past speech is useful in understanding why his use of “poll tax” may have been misunderstood. It would appear that Holder is not as cautious or selective with his words, causing them to come out as inciting in nature. In order to understand this post fully and to have an opinion, I would need a greater understanding of the character and past of Eric Holder within political offices and through speech.

     The post then discusses “an election law overhaul last May which included a requirement that voters present a certain form of government-issued photo ID or be turned away from the polls.” This issue is quickly dismissed however as Texas is acknowledged to be one of nine states which must have an approval for change from the Department of Justice. The state did not receive preclearance for the requirement of government-issued IDs and as such does not seem to have an issue. This post in the end turned out to be too brief to explain or evoke a thoughtful opinion. There may have been potential for a valid point regarding Perry’s accusation of Holder or for the proposition of an ID requirement but these points required outside knowledge or research to be understood. 

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